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Mindset by Carol S. Dweck is our book for January 2024. I first came across this awesome book when I was doing my master’s in education at UC Berkeley. Given my lifelong passion for learning, I like to think that I have always possessed a growth mindset. However, delving into Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, I learned that my mindset, depending on the day or the subject, consisted of both growth and fixed mindsets. For example, when I was younger, I believed that you either had an artistic gene, so to speak, or you just didn’t. I could draw pretty well, but a criticism about my art from an art seller in the late 80’s plummeted my self esteem. I stopped showing many people my art and lost much of my drive to create. This was because I had a fixed mindset when it came to artistic talent. Had I possessed a growth mindset around art, I would have taken that criticism as simply that, one person’s opinion–even using that harsh feedback as fuel for growth and I would have continued to learn, improving with practice. In other areas, however, I exhibited a strong growth mindset. When I started high school, though math wasn’t my strongest subject, I believed that with discipline and a willingness to put in the work, that I could improve. Having that growth mindset helped me excel in math all through high school, even receiving a B in calculus in my senior year, which for me was a big accomplishment. Alright, beautiful soul, now it’s your turn to do some reflection on this topic of mindset: Do you believe that intellectual skills can be cultivated? Are you blocking your potential in some area of your life because of a fixed mindset? I invite you to answer these questions and more through your self-discovery journey with the help of this seminal text, Mindset. I look forward to meeting with you all and discussing this amazing book in the last week of January (date/time TBD). Click this link (or any of the above hyperlinks in blue to order this life-changing book from Amazon: Mindset.
Wired for Love by Stan Tatkin is our book for the month of November 2023. In Wired for Love Tatkin builds upon existing literature on attachment theory, such as Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller. And though books like Attached lay down a solid foundation of attachment theory–which is why we read Attached first, Tatkin focuses less on theory and more on the impact and application of attachment styles in relationships. It’s as if Tatkin the coach is saying to the client, “okay, now that you’ve learned about attachment styles and you have some tools in your toolbox, what are you going to do about it? How are you going to apply this knowledge to work on yourself and improve your relationships?” Tatkin also raises awareness around the negative impact of labels (labeling ourselves or others) by rebranding popular attachment theory labels: Instead of Anxious, Secure, and Avoidant, the author offers alternative titles that are not only much less pathological but almost complimentary, even celebratory of everyone’s unique style of relating. So, you’re not Anxiously attached, you’re a Wave! Similarly, the Avoidant is referred to as an Island, while the Securely attached person is called an Anchor. By doing so Tatkin empowers the reader to accept that their unique way of relating is not wrong. This encourages self-acceptance while staying the course on the self-development path without the fear-based, labeling, inner critic getting in the way and thwarting our relationship goals.
I look forward to meeting with you all and discussing this amazing book in the last week of November (date/time TBD). Click this link to order this book from Amazon: Wired for Love.
Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza is our October 2023 book of the month. In Becoming Supernatural Dispenza invites you to tap into your creative power and the collective human consciousness in order to become what he refers to as supernatural. When we experience traumatic events, the unconscious mind will repeat the stress response, producing the chemistry in our bodies that will keep us in a perpetual state of unintentionally anchoring our bodies and brains to the past. This is one way in which we become stuck in survival mode. Dispenza reminds us that being stuck is often a result of our brain and heart being energetically incoherent. The heart is the center of oneness and is our connection to the unified field of consciousness, that which connects all souls. It starts with the heart: As your heart becomes more coherent and balanced through healing, the brain follows suit. More coherence of your energy allows your biology to become more whole and integrated–your mind and body will not feel like they are in a tug of war–and this in turn connects you to the Earth’s powerful unified field. As a result of these shifts in energy, as Dispenza puts it “we become less matter and more energy, less particle and more wave.” Are you ready to start becoming “supernatural”? Happy reading! I look forward to meeting with you all and discussing this awesome and inspiring book in the last week of October (date/time TBD). Click this link to order this book from Amazon: Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza is our February 2023 book of the month. In this book, as in most of his published works and videos, Dr. Joe Dispenza draws upon epigenetics, quantum physics, and neuroscience to explain the what, the how, and the whys of personal growth and manifestation. Dispenza focuses on the mind, body, and our external worlds, and how thoughts and feelings influence our environments and in essence, create our realities. This leads us to the question: “What can I do to effect positive change in my life?” Dispenza drives home the central theme of this book, that in order to change we must in a manner of speaking, “break the habit of being ourselves”. I was intrigued by this book’s title. What exactly does the author mean when he says, “break the habit of being yourself.”? In response to this question, Dispenza posits that our habits hardwire our brains (by creating neural pathways) to reproduce knowable outcomes. In order to manifest a desired outcome, we must break the habits that keep us vibrating at the level of the status quo. Dispenza says, “to change our lives we must fundamentally change the ways we think, act, and feel. We must change our state of being. We must create a new personality.” To change we must vibrate at a level greater than the known, the familiar–in other words, we must think, feel, and behave in ways that are greater than our environment, greater than our present circumstances. I look forward to meeting with you all and discussing this great book in the last week of February (date/time TBD). If you haven’t already, subscribe or update your subscription to the book club here ($9.97 recurring monthly subscription): Rainbow Healing Book Club.
Letting Go by David R. Hawkins, is our November 2022 book of the month. Dr. Hawkins begins by laying out some of the ways in which we self-sabotage by our seeming inability to let go, surrender, or become unattached to outcomes. Unlike many providers in medicine or psychiatry who attempt to relieve the aftereffects of stress, Hawkins invites the reader to identify and remove the root cause of the stress, thereby avoiding the adverse physiological and psychological effects of holding on to harmful self-talk and outmoded belief systems. Both theory and practical techniques are presented through chapters on grief, fear, desire, love, and oneness. On the topic of love and oneness, Hawkins left me with one of the most beautiful quotes I’ve ever heard, which I’d like to share with you: “As we become more loving on the inside, healing occurs on the outside. Much like the rising of the sea level lifts all ships so the radiance of unconditional love within a human heart lifts all of life.” I look forward to meeting with you all and discussing this great book in the last week of November (date/time TBD). If you haven’t already, subscribe to the book club here ($9.97 recurring monthly subscription): Rainbow Healing Book Club.
Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, is our October 2022 book of the month. Backed by in-depth scientific studies, attachment theory operates on the premise that we all essentially fall into one of 3 relationship attachment styles: Anxious, Secure, or Avoidant. There is a fourth attachment style, namely Anxious-Avoidant, which the authors maintain is pretty rare. Wondering what the most prevalent attachment style is? Well, I won’t give away anymore of the book before you dive into this eyeopening and fascinating journey into the psychology behind relationship dynamics. Happy reading, learning, and healing, beautiful souls! I look forward to seeing you on the Zoom call scheduled for October 29, 2022 at 4 pm Pacific. If you haven’t already, subscribe to the book club here ($9.97 recurring monthly subscription): Rainbow Healing Book Club.
The Ecstasy of Surrender by Judith Orloff, MD is our September 2022 book of the month. A bestselling author, speaker, and psychiatrist, she proudly admits that she uses intuition and empathy (in addition to what I will call scientifically recognized skills) in her practice of psychiatry. Judith has also contributed tremendously to the collective spiritual and conventional wisdom around the theme of surrender and the idea of the HSP or Highly Sensitive Person. She says that sensitivity is a superpower, and I agree wholeheartedly! She explains that “surrender is a theme that occurs from the moment you’re born to the moment you die.” She goes on to say that, “If you don’t surrender to this life it’s going to be a very painful, tension-filled experience.” In this and other books the author has written on the topic of surrender, she shares practical advice and techniques on how to surrender our attachment to the intellectual mind or linear thinking. Surrender liberates us from an over-reliance on our logical minds, opening up doors of possibility that we previously thought impossible or extremely difficult. I hope you enjoy this book! I look forward to seeing you on the Zoom call scheduled for September 30, 2022 at 4 pm Pacific. If you haven’t already, subscribe to the book club here ($9.97 recurring monthly subscription): Rainbow Healing Book Club.
Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Myss is our August 2022 book of the month. Among many other titles she has earned over the years, Carolyn Myss (pronounced like MACE), is a renowned teacher and writer in the spiritual space. I must admit that I also relate to her personal story because she, like me, was brought up in a Christian (Catholic) culture. Incidentally she also happens to be from Chicago. Personal reasons aside, in Anatomy of the Spirit, Carolyn takes the reader through a journey of learning/healing via the 7 chakra systems, drawing parallels between monotheistic traditions and spirituality/mysticism that will leave you feeling more connected to the oneness of humanity. Enjoy! I look forward to seeing you on the Zoom call scheduled for August 31, 2022 at 5 pm Pacific. Subscribe to the book club here ($9.97 recurring monthly subscription): Rainbow Healing Book Club.
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is our June 2022 book of the month. It has been my experience that the simplest teachings are the most effective and profound. Not surprisingly it is the simplicity of this wonderful book, based on ancient Toltec wisdom, that makes it a must read for those of us seeking to free ourselves from needless suffering. Ruiz reminds us that we often sabotage our own happiness when we don’t operate by the simple yet high vibrational and very powerful maxims he outlines in this book. I look forward to seeing you in the Zoom meeting in the last week of June 2022. Love and light to you, soul friends.
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie, our May 2022 book of the month, is about how we often play an unhealthy role in the relationships with those who are struggling with dependency. Whether our loved ones are dependent on a substance or struggle with another habit, like porn or sex addiction, reading this book may help us identify characteristics of codependency in ourselves and begin healing. When we take responsibility for the changes we want to see in ourselves by focusing on ourselves, we will begin healing. I hope to see you in the virtual meeting via Zoom in the last week of May, 2022. Let’s continue this healing journey together. Be well. Namaste.